Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Odd & Interesting Things You Notice...

On MySpace I have 1288 friends... I only ACTUALLY know about 300 of them...
On Facebook I have 121 friends... I know them all...

Some of my past posts on each have been very interesting!
Here are some from MySpace:

So, I know with my previous rantings you are expecting this to be some emotionally negative blog... Sorry to disappoint but this time I say love sucks because it makes it damn near impossible to write the kind of lyrics I need to write for our songs! It's like I know what I want to write and what I want to write about but when I start writing about those harsh experiences in my life, I start thinking about how lucky I am right now and how much I feel loved and am in love and it just fucks it all up! Grrrrrr! Sometimes love sucks for a different reason! This is one of those damn times! I think I need a sabbatical away from happiness just so I can write our fucking songs! WTF? How is it possible that the dark part of my heart has been folded up into an origami rainbow held by a cute little kitten? Anyone have an emotional shot-gun? I got a figurative kitten that needs it's head blown off! Never thought I would hate being happy! But, I wouldn't trade you for the world, my love!

Posted: Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ok, so here are some more thoughts that aren't really random because there is a reason for all of them...

Life is too short to waste any time caring about people who don't truly care about you... So the ones that do... Love them whole heartedly. You never know when they will be gone and the feeling of being loved and loving is better than any drug...

Tell those that you love and cherish exactly that... They may not know how you feel and you never know if you'll get another chance so do it daily...

Everyone in your life is there for a reason... Some will make you smile, some will make you cry, some will make you mad and some will tear you apart... Be greatful for all of them, your encounters with them make you who you are and some will make you see exactly how wonderful you are...

Watch those who love you closely, if you do it right, you'll start to see why they love you reflected in their eyes and you'll love yourself and them more for it...

Sometimes you have to feel pain to find joy... When you think your world is crashing down and you can't handle the pain, remember the last time you felt that way... The joy you found will be found again and each time it gets better...

Anger is a wasted emotion... All it does is tear you apart... Try laughing when someone makes you angry... It will scare the hell out of them and make you feel better...

Last but not least...

Live! Don't wait for life to happen, make it happen! Get up, do the things that make you happy, laugh at the things that make you laugh, cry at the things that make you cry... Own your feelings and you will be better for it...

Live Life! Love Life!
Posted: Sunday, May 10, 2009

It's a choice you make... If you take the pill, you'll be happy, if you don't take it, you won't be. If you drink the bottle, you'll be happy, if you don't drink, you won't. If you kill him, you'll be happy, if you don't, you won't. Funny how it's all about choices...
Posted: Friday, July 6, 2007

A new year is upon me... I've decided to change things up this year... My only resolution is this: To care more about the things that matter and less about the things that don't...
In the coming year, you will notice a lot of differences in me... I no longer live for you or him or her or them... I live for me...
In the words of Steve-O, It's not about HIM, it's about ME!
Slap and Pickle Mother Fuckers!
Let the fun begin...
Check your sanity at the door cause it don't belong here...
Posted: Monday, January 1, 2007

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