Sunday, April 10, 2011

So, I haven't posted in several weeks...

So, I haven't posted anything in awhile...

Here's what has been going on:
-Started P90X, stopped, re-started, stopped and re-starting tomorrow...
-Pescatarian again, this time more vegetarian than pescatarian though (I LIVE on Boca Burgers!)
-New house, new life!
-Traveling as much as possible!
-Married my niece and her hubby!
-Working my butt off to succeed with Kitty Katastrophy Photography (thinking about changing the name)
-In love with my life and everyone in it!
-On new medications, they seem to be working out well!
-Met some AMAZING people in Jacksonville, at a wedding, and made new friends out of it!
-Getting closer to being who I want to be!

Who would have ever figured that me, the crazy chic, would be so optimistic and happy about her life???


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Making a difference...

So here is my deal... This year to me, is very much about making a difference! In a lot of ways! 
I've been working out, counting calories and trying my best to be a better person than I have been! In so so many ways!
I'm giving people second chances, I'm making changes in my life and in others lives...
I have my charity, I have my son, my love, my life and working on my health!
I'm making a pledge to any and every person who wants to make it with me... I will do EVERYTHING in my power to help you make the changes in your life that you want to make!
You let me know what they are and how I can help and it's done!!!

Live your life, don't just live it, LIVE it!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Life is funny...

Life brings you things, then takes them away... Sometime, it gives them back and sometimes, it doesn't... Friends come and go and sometimes, it is what it is... I find it amazing that sometimes you meet someone thinking they are meant for one reason and you later find out, they are there for another... If you are lucky enough to figure it out, it is an amazing feeling!!!